Item Payment

It is a payment type that allow you to charge your customers to buy in-app Items like coins, gems, etc.

  • Secure : Item is encrypted with AES-256 algorithm using device unique id.

  • Easy to Manipulate : It has REPLACE,ADD,SUBTRACT and MULTIPLY, ItemProperties that allow you to manipulate item easily.

  • ItemProperties : default ItemProperties.REPLACE

    • REPLACE : Replace item value with new value
    • ADD : Adds current value to previous item value
    • SUBTRACT : Subtract new value from previous item value
    • MULTIPLY : Multiply item value with new value if exist otherwise set new value as item value

Setup Item Payment

  • Create ItemPayment object
try {
    ItemPayment coin = new ItemPayment(this, 1.99, "Coin", 100, ItemProperties.ADD);
    ItemPayment disableADS = new ItemPayment(this, 5.0, "disableAds", true); // default itemProperty is REPLACE
    Chapa chapa = Chapa.getInstance();
    // simply call pay method without callback, disableADS);
    // or with callback, coin, new ChapaPaymentCallback<ItemPayment>() {
        public void onSuccess(@NonNull String tx_ref, @NonNull ItemPayment paymentType) {
            // TODO your code here

        public void onError(@NonNull ChapaError chapaError) {
            // TODO your code here

        public void onCancel() {
            // TODO your code here
} catch (ChapaError e) {
    // throws UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE if the dataType of 'value' is not String,Boolean,Integer,Float or Double
val coin = ItemPayment(/* context */ this,/* amount */ 1.99,/* item key */ "Coin",/* item value */ 100,/* item property */ ItemProperty.ADD)
val disableADS = ItemPayment(this , 5.0, "ads", true) // default itemProperty is REPLACE

// get chapa instance
val chapa = Chapa.getInstance()
// simply call pay method without callback,disableADS)
// or with callback,coin,object : ChapaPaymentCallback<ItemPayment>{
    override fun onSuccess(tx_ref: String, paymentType: ItemPayment) {
        // TODO your code here

    override fun onError(chapaError: ChapaError) {
        // TODO your code here

    override fun onCancel() {
        // TODO your code here

Get PurchasedItem Value

PurchasedItems purchasedItems = new PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this);
// get item value
// method one (Recommended)
int coin = purchasedItems.getInt("Coin"); // returns item value if exist otherwise returns 0

// alternatively you can use
int _coin = purchasedItems.getValue("Coin", /*default value*/ 0); // returns item value if exist otherwise returns default value
val purchasedItems = PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this)
// get item value
// method one (Recommended for security)
val coin = purchasedItems.getInt("Coin") // returns item value if exist otherwise returns 0

// alternatively you can use
val _coin = purchasedItems.getValue("Coin", /*default value*/ 0) // returns item value if exist otherwise returns default value

Update PurchasedItem Value

// to update item value
PurchasedItems purchasedItems = new PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this);
int coin = purchasedItems.getInt("Coin") 
    // it subtracts 5 coin from current coin value
    int newCoinValue = purchasedItems.updateValue("Coin",5,ItemProperties.SUBTRACT);
    Log.d("Coin",newCoinValue + "coins left");
} else 
    Log.d("Coin","You don't have enough coins");
// to update item value
val purchasedItems = PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this)
val coin = purchasedItems.getInt("Coin") 
    // it subtracts 5 coin from current coin value
    val newCoinValue = purchasedItems.updateValue("Coin",5,ItemProperties.SUBTRACT)
    Log.d("Coin","$newCoinValue coins left")
} else 
    Log.d("Coin","You don't have enough coins")

Remove PurchasedItem

// to remove payed item
PurchasedItems payedItem = PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this);
// to remove payed item
val purchasedItems = PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this)