Backup and Restore Data
Backup and restore data is a feature that allows you to backup and restore purchased data manually.
By default the Library use Key/Value Backup (Android Backup Service) to backup and restore data.
Backup Purchased Data
To backup encrypted purchased data as a JSON string or JSONObject.
Since purchased data is encrypted to device specifically, it only work for a single device
PurchasedItems purchasedItems = new PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this);
String encryptedString = purchasedItems.getAllEncryptedPayedItemAsJSONString();
JSONObject encryptedJSon = purchasedItems.getAllEncryptedPayedItemAsJSON();
val purchasedItems = PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this)
val encryptedString:String = purchasedItems.allEncryptedPayedItemAsJSONString
val encryptedJSon:JSONObject = purchasedItems.allEncryptedPayedItemAsJSON
Restore Purchased Data
To restore encrypted purchased data from a JSON string or JSONObject.
try {
PurchasedItems purchasedItems = new PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this);
String encryptedString = "--encrypted json string--";
// using encrypted JSON object
JSONObject encryptedJSON = // encrypted JSONObject
} catch(JSONException e){
try {
val purchasedItems = PurchasedItems(/*context*/ this)
val encryptedString = "--encrypted json string--";
// using encrypted JSON object
JSONObject encryptedJSON = // encrypted JSONObject
} catch (e : JSONException){
Log.e("Chapa", "Error: ${e.message}")